Friday, March 28, 2008

the show must go on

Hope that you all are well...
Gopilila's health has shown no improvement. However, according to the latest xray, things (the cancer) has slowed down. So, this may be the result of the new medication (Tarceva) that she has been on, or the cumulative effect of the various therapies that she has been undergoing.
Last week she had a cold and cough, but fortunately that seems under control (the mercy of antibiotics). However, her pain levels over the last couple of days seems to be worse. In my unscientific way, I gauge her condition based on how much pain she is in - less pain, things are ok; more pain, things are getting worse (though this could just be that her body has acclimatized to the pain killers and she needs a higher dosage). Anyways, a little flag kind of goes up when she cringes in pain and she has been doing that a bit more than usual of late. She also seems to have a few more emotional breakdowns (though not everyday/regularly) and so today we have an appointment with a Psycho - oncologist ( . I think that it will be good for her. She saw a psycho- oncologist when she was receiving treatment in India as well and it seemed to help her.
Yesterday, we went to see a traditional tibetan doctor, Dr. Bhutti, She was really nice. Let's see...

Shanti Shanti Shanti!


Andrea said...

thinking of you guys. The psycho-oncologist sounds good. I don't like knowing/seeing her in pain. I will give her a call soon. Things have just been really busy here. Shanti Om, brother love

ps. my blog is horribly outdated, so don't even look at it!

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