Cure ???
It seems like there is no cure only attempts to reduce the damage and hope for the best.
The docs say that with stage three cancer there is 65-70 % chance of cure and that to for only five year i.e before the cancer comes back etc. That means that 7 out of every 10 people who get chemo radiation at this stage will make it, but 3 out of 10 wont.
Then there is the whole issue of side affects etc from the radiation etc.
However, when you are playing against a stacked deck what choice do you have? You can only play your cards and hope for the best.
For the first time in my life I am forced to feel the presence of death's knock on the door regualarly. Sure, I've been in accidents and close encounters that have shaken me. But, here I am (and Gopi more than me) is forced to face the ultimate test looming near.
Ayurveda has no cure for cancer either. they only work on strengthening your immune system and assisting one's body to fight the disease. Well, if one has time then this is the best option, but with Gopi's case I don't know how much times we have. I would probably opt for trying to figth it using Ayurveda (I say probably because I am not really in the driver's seat here, Gopi is), but Gopi has to make her own decision. However, she will take some ayurvedic rejuvenatives to stregthen here during the treatment and if she gets through the chemo , maybe some ayurvedic treatment later on......
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