Wednesday, August 8, 2007

How to know if you're doing well (i.e healthy)

08 Aug 2007

how to know if you are doing well (i.e healthy)

Well, actually, to know if you are ill (or not in the best health condition verging towards illness) which is a state called apakva (uncooked) here are a few pointers. In Ayurveda, when one's digestion is not functioning well (i.e you are pooping everyday) it is considered that one's digestive fire is low and therefore not digesting the food. The resultant state is calle Aama, which is undigested food, which in turn ends up accumulating in the body and being toxic. Aama is called considered uncooked, useless, etc
Well here are some symptoms of ama.
1) tongue is coated (i.e even after cleaning/ scraping one's tongue there is still a whitish coating on it)
2) stool is smelly (well more than the usual smell, i.e as if something died in your intestines)
3) stool is sticky
4) stool does not float (good shit should float not sink. Also good poop should be cylindrical)
5) Bad body odour
6) Bad breath

will add a few more next time

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