Monday, September 10, 2007

getting inspiration

So, Suvarna Manjari gave Bhakti Tirtha swami's book-Beggar : Die before dying - to Gopi. Suvarna and her husband, whom we met here in Udupi for the first time ( if there is really such a thing, in eternity that is) helped Gopi get to the hospital - really nice couple. They didn't know she had cancer because the diagnosis was not out before the left India, but incidently the book has a lot to do with living (and dying ) with cancer.
Some thoughts (from the book) that Gopi talks about are learning to love the cancer...
Gopala started reading a bit of the book. The first thing that he gleaned from the book was that we are all "dead men walking" . Gopala says that he understood that we are all dying from the moment that we are born.

Yesterday, Gopala read about being grateful for the good health that we had in the past...

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