Monday, September 17, 2007

week 4

so, today the fourth week of treatment has begun.

Gopi has been ill for the last two days. She had to keep going to the bathroom yesterday and since this morning she has had diarhea. she was in such pain and agony.

I got her some ayurvedic meds from a doctor who I heard of threw the grapevine. He prescribed some meds for her to stimulate her liver and remove some of the toxins of the treatment. Every time she takes this ayurvedic medicine (which has been twice) she throws up within half an hour or so. So, we decided that she won't take it today. Interestingly, the chief component of the medicine is cumin!!

according to ayurveda, the best medicine is gold- purified gold called "suvarna bhasma", which serves as a rasayana or rejuvenative.

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